Waylon Page Featured on the FRR 'History Wall'

Waylon Page Featured on the FRR 'History Wall'

Written by: Brandon Greene.

Posted: August 19, 2024. 


Every year, organizers of the Falmouth Road Race search for inspirational stories among those running the race. At the end of their search, they select one of the more than 11,000 runners to be honored and enshrined on their “history wall.” We are incredibly proud to share that this year’s featured runner was Waylon Page!

Despite being just twelve years old, this was Waylon’s third summer running the race with us. Waylon’s bib will be now be forever showcased on the history wall where people can learn more about him and how he refuses to let his Qualitative Platelet dysfunction slow him down or hold him back from the activities that he loves. To raise awareness about his bleeding disorder and the work he has done as an advocate, the following biographical blurb was also shared, along with photos of him.

Waylon Page is a native of Higganum, CT, who at the age of 4 was diagnosed with an ultra-rare bleeding disorder.

Not much is known about Waylon’s condition. It is a Qualitative Platelet dysfunction (QPD), and no treatment options thus far have been effective for him. After inclusion in a national genetic test, it was found that Waylon’s condition had never been seen or recorded before in medical history.

Due to his condition, it is very important that he keeps his body in tip-top shape, and Waylon has never let his diagnosis stand in the way of living an active and exciting life.

Though he can’t play traditional sports, Waylon is very athletic, and he has discovered a love for running! He enjoys long endurance runs, and the Falmouth run pushes his limits with its formidable course!

2024 will be Waylon’s third year running the Falmouth Road Race as a charity runner for the New England Hemophilia Association. He has poured his passion into advocating for his much-loved community. Waylon has raised awareness as well as thousands of dollars for NEHA through his “Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk” team, “Walking with Waylon,” multiple blood and fundraising drives, and representing NEHA at the Falmouth Road Race. Money raised for NEHA provides education and support programs throughout the year for the New England Bleeding Disorder Community and for assistance to those families facing economic hardship.

At 12 years old, Waylon has been politically active by lobbying his members of Congress for the past two years in Washington, D.C. to support laws that help people with chronic medical conditions.

Waylon is supported in all he does by his loving parents Chris and Sarah, his proud big brother Ryder, and his puppies Libby, Annie, and Willy, and a large circle of friends and family.

To support Waylon’s Falmouth Road Race fundraising efforts, or to learn more about the other members running with Team NEHA, click here.