Travel Assistance Program

We are proud to offer a “$100 for 100 Miles” Travel Assistance Program to help all community members attend our conferences–regardless of financial situation or location. This program is for any paid NEHA member in need of financial assistance, who has traveled more than 100 miles roundtrip to attend one of the following conferences: Consumer Medical Symposium, Conferencia Educativa Latina (Latino Educational Conference) or FallFest.

  • This program is intended only for people experiencing financial hardship.
  • The application, below, must be submitted within two weeks of the event.
  • Once submissions close, all applications will be considered. Upon approval, applicants will then receive a $100 Shell Gift Card via email.
  • If you received a hotel scholarship for the event, you are ineligible to also receive travel assistance through our $100 for 100 miles program for that event.
  • Funds for this program are limited.

“$100 for 100 Miles” Application