Braden's Buddies

Braden's Buddies

Interview with Ryan Fournier, Unite Walk Team Captain.

Posted: September 4, 2024. This article was originally shared in our Summer 2024 Newsletter


Ryan and Jessica’s son, Braden, was diagnosed with hemophilia when he was just ten days old, in late 2022. Shortly after, they became NEHA members in search of support and education as they navigated this new diagnosis. Last year was their first time participating in our Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk. Their team, Braden’s Buddies, raised $5,825!

Below is an interview with Ryan, Braden’s dad, about how their family found NEHA, and why they decided to participate in the Walk.

How and when did you find out about NEHA?

Braden was diagnosed with hemophilia at just ten days old. During our five days at the hospital, we were given a lot of information about living hemophilia, including a document listing support groups and organizations that can better assist our family. NEHA was towards the top of that list.

It took a few weeks for the news to sink in about Braden’s diagnosis, but as time went on, it became clear to us that we should meet other families that had been through similar experiences and were more familiar with the disorder. NEHA welcomed us with open arms, and we immediately felt a wave of positive emotions for the first time since the diagnosis. NEHA would quickly become a big source of information for us and has supported us both mentally and physically more and more as time has gone on.

Why did you decide to make a Walk Team?

I have seen first-hand the advancements made in treatments for hemophilia and it has only been a short couple of years knowing about the disorder. The funds raised during the Walk go directly to the organization and are utilized to make the lives of those with rare bleeding disorders better either directly with their programs or forwarding funds towards things like research. This benefits our family both today and will shape the future for Braden. I truly feel that the more support we can give, the better the future will be for our son.

Our Team, Braden’s Buddies, received an incredible amount of support from family and friends to a degree that I could never have imagined, especially in our first year being part of the Walk. I am truly blessed to have all of them and am thankful for their generosity in helping shape the future of what this disorder will look like in the years to come.

What was your favorite memory of the Walk last year?

It is incredible to feel the amount of passion that is shown to help better the lives of those suffering from rare bleeding disorders. The positive mindset of all the families that attend these events is heart-warming. Another thing that stood out was the amount of repeat participants at the event. By the time we attended our first Walk, we already recognized so many people we met previously at other NEHA events. NEHA truly is a strong, connected community.

Finally, one incredible sight we saw at the Walk was so many children with bleeding disorders playing and having the time of their lives in a manner that is no different than kids outside of the bleeding disorders community. It reminded us that our son’s future is not the horror stories we imagined at time of the diagnosis. We Walk to make sure our son’s future is bright.

Braden’s Buddies is one of more than fifty teams who will be participating in our Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk this year.

Help us continue our work of providing education, support and advocacy for the bleeding disorders community on Saturday, September 28. Learn more and make your own team at: